Why are SOM Biotech, Mint Labs and Yoti collaborating with COMPASS?

5th October, 2017

Already over 10 SMEs from nanotechnology, biomedicine and cyber security sectors have taken part in COMPASS co-creation labs and started drafting their roadmaps to Responsible Innovation. The co-creation labs are engaging SMEs in a five-step series of online and offline interactive workshops to develop roadmaps towards Responsible Innovation in their field. Three of the participating SMEs have already shared of why this collaboration is important for their company.

Mint Labs/Qmenta in a recent blog post have stated that incorporating principles of Responsible Innovation (RI) and following a new roadmap helps the company and their products “to better respond to the needs of our customers and the society”. Their new cloud platform will have a critical place in the discovery and development of new treatments for neurological diseases and RI principles will accelerate this process.

SOM Biotech mentions that responsible innovation could help maximize mid to long term profits or extend their markets through becoming more receptive to the needs of customers and users.

Yoti, an innovative cyber security company, also mentions that collaborating with COMPASS provides them with “invaluable insight from academia and analyst standpoints” on how the company can best serve their community.

You can learn more about COMPASS roadmap co-creation labs and other participating companies here.

Responsible Innovation COMPASS

Evidence and Opportunities for Responsible Innovation in SMEs

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