Responsible research & innovation (RRI) Project directory

COMPASS has compiled an overview of RRI projects and initiatives carried out in Europe over the course of the past ten years. The COMPASS project directory below contains 130 publicly funded RRI projects in Europe. Our project directory aims to facilitate the search for RRI projects in Europe. You can download search instructions here.

For a quick look at the key figures check out our factsheet. For a detailed outline, have a look at the COMPASS policy paper, which maps out approaches, objectives and thematic priorities of publicly funded RRI projects at European level, and describes their spread across Europe via budget shares and numbers of participations.

You can find more information, results and project output on responsible innovation in the European Commission’s database CORDIS, as well as the RRI Toolkit!

Over the course of the project, it has become evident that rules, regulations and funding criteria could function as external incentives to implement responsible innovation in SMEs. The Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), as coordinator of the COMPASS project, has therefore developed recommendations for EU research and innovation policy, with support of the COMPASS High Level Expert Advisory Board.


Project Acronym: PEPPER
Project Title: Positive Environment in Public Participation and Engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation
Funding Programme: Horizon 2020
Responsible Innovation Dimension: , , ,
Description: Public engagement is one of key components for responsible research and innovation that the European Commission has identified and promoted. However, it has been questioned about legitimating the process and result, contributing to policy decisions and facilitating social learning. It is now also challenged by the recent post-truth movement in terms of democracy, citizenship and sustainability. Positive experiences of active involvement within society can be critical to engage with the silent majority and marginalised majorities, as well as researchers under pressure of public engagement. This research thus examines positive environment in top-down, expert-led public engagement or bottom-up, grassroots activities such as citizen science and open innovation, in which responsibility is distributed to experts, stakeholders and citizens in a more natural and proportional manner. It identifies methodologies to incorporate voices and values of less engaged individuals and future generations into the design and implementation of positive engagement, developing novel approaches to visualise participants’ perceptions and perspectives and/or emerging technologies and their ethical, legal and social aspects. This transdisciplinary research collects and analyses data on individual, community and organisational and societal level through the study of selected cases of positive engagement, with reference to community-based participatory research, intergenerational ethics and organisation and management studies. Introducing a wide variety of Norwegian practices to the European research and policy context, the project will disseminate the research results to the case organisations and their affiliations and networks and finally produce a communication training manual for positive engagement. This fellowship also gives a good opportunity to exchange knowledge on public engagement practiced in Europe and Japan

Responsible Innovation COMPASS

Evidence and Opportunities for Responsible Innovation in SMEs

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